An issue can occur in Sitebulb that manifests when trying to start a new audit, and you end up seeing a message saying that Sitebulb was unable to crawl any URLs:
Check whether it is a Sitebulb issue
This error might be due to a site issue (e.g. server is blocking Sitebulb) but it also can be a problem with Sitebulb itself. The easiest way to check this is if you try to run an audit on a totally different website. If you get the same 'no URLs were crawled' error, then you know that this is a Sitebulb issue and you can proceed with the steps below.
Sign out of Sitebulb
Occasionally, Sitebulb, running on your local computer, can get out of sync with our licensing server, and the best way to solve this is to go full 'scorched earth'.
Sign out of Sitebulb via the 'Your Account' tab in the top right.
Uninstall Sitebulb
Close Sitebulb down completely, then uninstall it from your machine (your audit data will not be lost!)
Restart your machine
Once you have uninstalled Sitebulb, restart your machine (complete reboot).
Re-install Sitebulb
Download and install the latest Sitebulb version from here.
Sign back into Sitebulb
Sign back in with your Sitebulb account and activate your license.
Start a new audit
You can now start a brand new project and run an audit. The steps you followed above *should* have resolved any lingering issues with syncing.
If you have tried this already and you are still experiencing the issue, please reach out to us through the Help & Support tab in Sitebulb or email us.